What Types of Implants Are Available for Breast Augmentation?
Thinking about breast augmentation? Here are the main types of implants:
Saline Implants: Filled with sterile saltwater. Pros: Safe absorption if ruptured. Cons: Less natural feel.
Silicone Implants: Filled with silicone gel. Pros: Feels like natural tissue. Cons: Requires regular monitoring.
Gummy Bear Implants: Thick silicone gel. Pros: Maintains shape if ruptured. Cons: Needs longer incision.
Round Implants: Uniform shape. Pros: Fuller look. Cons: Can move within the breast.
Teardrop Implants: Contoured shape. Pros: Natural slope. Cons: Can rotate, altering shape.
Smooth vs. Textured: Smooth moves naturally; textured reduces movement risk.
Consult with your surgeon to choose the best implant for you!
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